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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Artifact 10: Urbanization


Living Conditions
Boss ------- Children (dead)




          The Industrial Revolution was a period in the 18th and 19th centuries, where changes in agriculture, manufacturing, transport and technology thrive. It was a time when ideas from all over the world were able to be shared. It marked a major turning point in human history.
         The Industrial Revolution began in Great Britain for a number of reasons. At that time, Great Britain was the leading power of the world. Through its colonies it had natural resources and ready-made markets for its finished goods. With its dominance of the seas, it had a greater ability to transport goods than any other nation at that time.
         The textile industry is a good example of how the Industrial Revolution developed over time. Prior to the Industrial Revolution, England imported its cloth, which caused the prices to be high. Then in the 1600s, England began importing raw cotton and making their own cloth. At first, cotton farmers were also cotton weavers. They would spin thread and weave cloth from the cotton they grew. Then merchants would buy the finished product. As the demand for more cloth increased, the cottage weavers couldn’t keep pace. By the 1700s, new machines, such as the Flying Shuttle (1733), the Spinning Jenny (1764), the Waterframe (1769), and the Mule (1779), were invented to make cloth production faster and easier. Within a span of 50 years, the textile industry had changed from a small cottage industry into a big business.
         For many people the Industrial Revolution meant wealth. With machines working at a much faster 

rate than human hands, people were able to produce goods faster and more efficiently. Fewer and fewer 

workers were needed in the fields. People began to move into the cities, where there were more job 

opportunities. Within a short amount of time, Great Britain had urbanized from fields of green into a 

concrete jungle.



  1. Artifact 10
    Hi Kyning! :D
    This essay is written quite well. Your facts were clearly stated with organization throughout the paragraph and the whole essay. Some word choice were a little bit vague, but overall, it was pretty good. I especially liked the part where you described how Britain chanced from "fields of green into a concrete jungle." I like the transformation you made there. In addition, in the last paragraph, you gave a couple of statistics to end up the essay with a conclusion. I think that was plotted very well, though you could have explained more detailed of what those statistics meant and what more could have happened that gradually changed those statistics, for example, other factors to the changes. But throughout the whole essay, the outline was very thorough. I liked it. : ) -------Ingrid

  2. I very detailed analysis of the history of us....
    however, I would like to include that the very first city to have a population fo one million was.....Ancient Rome....
    I am not kidding. and the second one in the 1800s...
    but overall, very nice

  3. Hey Kyning, it's Sabrina. I like how your essay is very well developed, but as mentioned before, you may want to change some words and use stronger word choices.

    (Comments on other posts)
    I'm not sure if it's just me..but I'm not able to see a lot of your other posts..only the titles..did you not upload them yet? --or is my computer working up? :/

    Overall, good job on the essay:)
